
astri verdi

a birth story

I thought I was a closeted writer with a job in a cute restaurant in Amsterdam and watercolour painting as a hobby. But then I moved to Spain. 

And I don't know if it's the sunny weather, the cold cervezas or my artsy friends, but slowly my (art) life began to change. In 2021 I fully embraced acrylic paint (way more open to making mistakes than watercolour, thank god), threw in some other tools and mediums to play with, and took a bunch of painting courses.

I've been curiously walking the earth ever since, ready to be surprised as often as possible.


Everything is temporary

I love spontaneity and the unexpected; it's what keeps my fire burnin'. That's why I have designed a practice that leaves a lot of room for 'mistakes'.

The canvas (often paper) is one big experiment of shape, texture and colour. The 'mistakes' eventually build the story of the painting, and add character to the subject.

I'm just playing, while processing the world with thick acrylic paint in fun colours.

Hi fam

It's me, Astrid.

Here is a picture of me in my natural habitat: outside when it’s not too hot and not too cold, with a drink in my hand (sparkling water in this case - stay hydrated people), in one of my favourite shirts and photographed by one of my favourite people. What a time to be alive.